Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

Listeria and new emerging microbiological problems

25.Oct.2023 | 09:30 - 13:00
Sala 1 (Pad. 7) – Room 1 (Hall 7)

Laboratorio Sicural - Ricerca e innovazione per la sicurezza alimentare

Via Dismano, 2855, 47522 Cesena (FC)



Today, the healthiness and quality requirements of food products impose specific controls along the entire production process, up to distribution and consumption. The conference will address the problem of Listeria, a ubiquitous, persistent and widespread bacterium in the environment, which can contaminate foods at any level of the production and consumption chain. Industry professionals will treat the problem from various points of view: analytical, medical, legal, food, with insights into industrial sanitization. There will also be a focus on other microorganisms responsible for foodborne infections such as Bacillus cereus and toxins. The topics covered will be of particular interest and usefulness for food sector operators who must constantly monitor contamination in order to guarantee product safety.

Italian language event

Speaker Speeches
Emilia-Romagna Regional Official  Greetings 
Zuccherelli S. SICURAL Analysis laboratory Director Promoter of the Conference  Greetings and Conference Presentation 
Fiumana C., Resp. Settore Microbiologia Sicural  Listeria: un microrganismo attuale e diffuso. Metodi analitici per rilevarla in ambito agroalimentare 
Dott. Morabito Stefano Director of the U.O. Microbiological safety of foods and foodborne diseases. Higher Institute of Health   Listeria: a current and widespread microorganism. Analytical methods to detect it in the agri-food sector 
Dott. Pomilio Francesco IZS Teramo  Management of Listeria monocytogenes in the food production environment 
Dott.ssa Tirloni Erica Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences UniMI  Application of predictive microbiology to RTE food production 
Dott. Stella Simone Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences UniMI  Challenge tests to support risk assessment 
Prof. Paparella Antonello UNITE biosciences and agri-food and environmental technologies  Listeria monocytogenes between present and future: strategies to reduce or prevent Lm contamination in foods 
Dott.ssa Decastelli Lucia IZS Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d’Aosta  Emerging microbiological risks in foods: B.cereus and toxins 
Avv. Varallo Cesare LegisLAB law firm  Listeria: zero tolerance? The different preventive and sanctioning approach in the USA and the EU 
Dott. Dragotto Francesco  Regional Manager Italy  Food&Beer A&B Group  An innovative method to eradicate biofilms from Listeria and other microorganisms based on natural essential oils extracted from food substances 
Dott. Nadini Andrea Microbiologist – MYCRO srl  The presence of Listeria in food production: rapid method for verifying the hygiene of production surfaces in contact with food and swabs for the rapid detection of Listeria 
Ing. Schiavolin Adriano SINTECO technical director  Clean room as protection from airborne contamination 
  Final discussion and conclusions 


Moderator: Giorgini Silver Vice President Laboratorio Analisi SICURAL  


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